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Sunday, September 13, 2020

POLITICO Playbook: Trump on alleged police shooters: 'Animals that must be hit hard!' - Politico

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GOOD SUNDAY MORNING. BREAKING OVERNIGHT: L.A. TIMES: “Two L.A. County sheriff’s deputies shot, critically wounded in attack captured on video,” by Doug Smith, Matthew Ormseth and Richard Winton: “Two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies were critically wounded after being shot Saturday evening in Compton in what authorities described as an ‘ambush’ that was captured on surveillance video.

“The video, released by the department, shows a man walking up to the deputies’ parked patrol car, pulling out a gun and firing several times into the front seat area from the passenger side. The assailant is then seen running from the scene.”

L.A. COUNTY SHERIFFS (@LASDHQ): “To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling ‘We hope they die’ referring to 2 LA Sheriff's ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People's lives are at stake when ambulances can't get through.”

THE PRESIDENT, who is in Las Vegas this morning, tweeted at 1:05 a.m. about the ambush: “Animals that must be hit hard!”

GABBY ORR in Minden, Nev.: “Trump fumes over Biden ad, media coverage at Nevada rally”: “President Donald Trump set the tone early on at his rally in northern Nevada Saturday night, warning that he was prepared to "be really vicious" in the final weeks of the presidential campaign.

“Fuming over a new ad about his alleged disparagement of U.S. military personnel, Trump arrived here with a torrent of insults ready to go. ‘Pathetic Joe. He’s a pathetic human being to allow that to happen,’ Trump said of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and the ad Biden's campaign released last week, which seized on comments Trump reportedly made about America’s fallen soldiers.

“‘But you know the good part?’ Trump continued. ‘Now I can be really vicious. Once I saw that ad, I don’t have to be nice anymore.’ The president also claimed Biden, ‘doesn’t know he’s alive.’ ‘Sleepy Joe Biden. You know where he is now? He’s in his damn basement again,’ Trump told the crowd.”

-- ANOTHER AMAZING DOUG MILLS photo -- this time of the TRUMP Nevada rally.

WHAT AMERICA IS READING … THE NATION’S FRONTS: Dallas Morning News: “Is Trump an asset or albatross: GOP hopefuls sharing ballot with president likely to share outcome” … L.A. Times: “California’s climate apocalypse: Fires, heat, air pollution: The calamity is no longer in the future -- it’s here, now” … S.F. Chronicle: “As wildfires ravage West, Biden avoids climate focus”

Detroit Free Press: “Black voters in Michigan not buying Trump pitch”Star Tribune: “Vets divided over Trump on military”

NATIONAL FRONTS: WAPONYT, with this story: “Trump Pressed for Plasma Therapy. Officials Worry, Is an Unvetted Vaccine Next?”

CNN’S JAKE TAPPER after PETER NAVARRO repeatedly declined to answer his questions, and insulted CNN: “I would just like to remind the American people watching that the United States has less than 5% of the world's population, and the united States has more than 20% of the world's coronavirus deaths. That is a fact. It does not matter how many times he insults CNN.”

CHRIS WALLACE unveiled a new Fox poll on “FOX NEWS SUNDAY”: BIDEN 51, TRUMP 46.

-- STEVE CORTES told WALLACE: “I would concede that it’s probably going to be a similar scenario, when we look back retrospectively we will probably see that the president was down into Election Day, and then won Election Day itself by an incredibly wide margin.”

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS had the TRUMP CAMPAIGN’S JASON MILLER on ABC’S “THIS WEEK.” MILLER said the TRUMP CAMPAIGN will be expanding its TV ads into Arizona and Pennsylvania -- “great new ads we just approved yesterday.”

THE BIDEN CAMPAIGN HAS SETTLED on a message about why it was campaigning early in the days of Covid: TRUMP was president and had different info. SYMONE SANDERS said it on ABC’S “THIS WEEK” and JAKE SULLIVAN said it on “FOX NEWS SUNDAY.” Here’s SANDERS: “Look, George, in January and February, Joe Biden was not being briefed by national security experts who warned him how deadly the virus was. In January and February, Joe Biden did not have the knowledge that President Trump did.”

CHUCK TODD had RNC CHAIR RONNA MCDANIEL on NBC’S “MEET THE PRESS” … ON THE GOP CASH SITUATION … “So if you look at the RNC fundraising from January 2019 to July, which is the cycle, we raised $493 million and the DNC's raised $203 million. And we have $100 million cash on hand. And during that time, we've been investing in a ground game. Chuck, I know you love the mechanics of the campaign. So we have had 2,000 staff on the ground. We've been out-registering Democrats in six battleground states. I'm sure you saw the story on Pennsylvania this week.

“We're at 2 million volunteers. So we've been investing along the way in a ground game that you can't pop up in a week before an election or two weeks to get that level of volunteers. So I feel very good about the investment that the RNC's put in place, and I feel very confident in the plan that the campaign has. The plan, the campaign will have the money and it has the strategy to win, and we've seen since July 4th every state that we're monitoring, numbers are moving in the direction of the president.”

TRUMP’S SUNDAY (all times Pacific): THE PRESIDENT will participate in a roundtable with supporters at the Treasure Island Hotel at 11:15 a.m. At 5:15 p.m., he will leave for Henderson, where he will participate in a roundtable with supporters at Xtreme Manufacturing. At 8:15 p.m., he’ll head back to Las Vegas, where he’ll spend the night.

JOE BIDEN has nothing on his public schedule. WSJ’S SABRINA SIDDIQUI -- today’s pooler -- reported BIDEN is going to church.

51 DAYS until Election Day.

SNEAK PEEK ... THE PRESIDENT'S WEEK: Monday: TRUMP will go to McClellan Park, Calif., for a briefing on wildfires, and Phoenix for a campaign "Latinos for Trump" roundtable. Tuesday: TRUMP will be in Washington for the signing of the Abraham Accords. Wednesday: THE PRESIDENT will host a call with Jewish leaders in honor of the High Holidays. He'll have lunch with VP MIKE PENCE and speak at the NRCC's battleground dinner. Thursday: THE PRESIDENT will host a credentialing ceremony for newly appointed ambassadors. Friday: TRUMP will travel to Bemidji, Minn., and Mosinee, Wis.

TRUMP THE PEACEMAKER? by NYT’S MICHAEL CROWLEY: “Next week, Mr. Trump will host a signing ceremony for Israel’s twin détentes with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. On Saturday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo presided over the start of intra-Afghan peace talks in Afghanistan that offer the best promise yet of ending that country’s 19-year war. And last week, the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia visited the White House to announce normalized economic relations that could help end decades-old hostilities. At the same time, Mr. Trump is withdrawing more American troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.”

BLOOMBERG TO SPEND 10% OF WHAT HE SPENT ON HIS QUIXOTIC CAMPAIGN TO HELP JOE BIDEN IN FLORIDA, via WaPo’s Michael Scherer: “Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg plans to spend at least $100 million in Florida to help elect Democrat Joe Biden, a massive late-stage infusion of cash that could reshape the presidential contest in a costly toss-up state central to President Trump’s reelection hopes.

“Bloomberg made the decision to focus his final election spending on Florida last week, after news reports that Trump had considered spending as much as $100 million of his own money in the final weeks of the campaign, Bloomberg’s advisers said. Presented with several options on how to make good on an earlier promise to help elect Biden, Bloomberg decided that a narrow focus on Florida was the best use of his money.” WaPo

-- AS NYT’S ALEX BURNS POINTS OUT: “this is both a big move in the 2020 spending picture & another data point in Bloomberg's pullback from commitments during the primary. $100 million is massive for a 1-state program. it's also not close to the mother-of-all-Dem super PACs his aides promised”

NYT’S ASTEAD HERNDON in Duluth: “Minnesota Seemed Ripe for a Trump Breakout. It Has Not Arrived.”: “If any state is positioned to go from blue to red in 2020, to embrace the fullness of Trumpology and provide the president some much-needed Electoral College insurance, it is Minnesota.

“The state’s northern and eastern regions have grown more conservative over the years, and Republicans won two House seats in the state during the 2018 midterm elections -- a rare bright spot during an election characterized by an anti-Trump wave. Going into 2020, conservatives crowed that the issues that defined the state’s politics were straight from Mr. Trump’s playbook: in particular, a robust refugee relocation program that has inspired a white backlash in certain places outside the Twin Cities. …

“Mr. Biden’s advantage is driven by an erosion of Republican support for Mr. Trump in the state’s metropolitan areas, continuing the trend of suburban voters’ fleeing a president in crisis. In interviews, several of the voters reached for the Times poll, particularly those in suburban and rural regions that are bellwethers for the state, described rejecting Mr. Trump’s pitch about law and order and focusing on themes Mr. Biden has tried to stress: decency, experience, and Mr. Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.”

BERNIE FRETS … WAPO’S SEAN SULLIVAN: “Bernie Sanders expresses concerns about Biden campaign”: “Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is privately expressing concerns about Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, according to three people with knowledge of the conversations, and is urging Biden’s team to intensify its focus on pocketbook issues and appeals to liberal voters.

“Sanders, the runner-up to Biden in the Democratic primaries, has told associates that Biden is at serious risk of coming up short in the November election if he continues his vaguer, more centrist approach, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive talks. The senator has identified several specific changes he’d like to see, saying Biden should talk more about health care and about his economic plans, and should campaign more with figures popular among young liberals, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).”

ALEX THOMPSON and LAURA BARRÓN-LÓPEZ: “The surprise religious group that could decide Trump's fate”: “In 2016, Mormons rejected Donald Trump in numbers unheard of for a Republican nominee — viewing the thrice-married, immigrant-bashing Republican as an affront to their values. In 2020, the president is going all-out to change [Mormons] minds — a little-noticed effort that could make or break him in Arizona and Nevada, home to more than a half-million Latter-day Saints combined. Joe Biden's campaign, sensing an unlikely opening for a Democrat, is also targeting Mormons in the pair of Western swing states.”

WAPO’S JENNA JOHNSON: “They voted for him and now regret it. Why White women are turning away from Trump.”

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: “A Pennsylvania town once known as ‘communism on the prairie’ is all about Trump now,” by Julia Terruso in Norvelt, Pa.: “Trump signs are everywhere. And the president’s framing of his campaign against Democrat Joe Biden as an existential fight against creeping socialism in America is rallying voters here. Disaffected current and former Democrats in surrounding Westmoreland County, and across small Rust Belt towns in Southwestern and Northeastern Pennsylvania, make up the core of Trump’s support in the state. These onetime Democratic bastions swung hard to Trump.

“After the 2004 presidential race was a near-tie here, two-thirds of Norvelt voters backed Trump in 2016. And four years later, Republicans have added more than 10,000 registered voters in Westmoreland County. Trump may need even more support from places like this in 2020, as suburban voters have moved away from him in a state he won by less than 1 percentage point.”

NPR’S ASMA KHALID: “Republicans Are Knocking On Doors. Democrats Aren't. Biden's Campaign Says That's OK”

GREAT PAUL KANE COLUMN: “House of Representatives, and its longest-serving Democrat, adapts to the pandemic”: “Yet [Steny] Hoyer (D-Md.) has found himself at the forefront of one of the most radical changes to how the House conducts its business in decades. As Congress pulled together earlier this year to approve nearly $3 trillion worth of rescue legislation amid the coronavirus pandemic, lawmakers struggled to do their jobs in a safe and socially distanced manner.

“Pushed by rank-and-file Democrats to adapt, as the rest of America has done, Hoyer led a group that came up with new rules allowing lawmakers to vote from home to avoid risky travel and implementing technological changes that created virtual hearings in which members and witnesses could appear through video conferencing. …

“Elected in 1981, Hoyer has locked down support for another term as majority leader -- as Democrats are expected to hold the majority -- through 2022, which will mark 20 years as the No. 2 leader behind Pelosi.

“He said he wakes up ‘angry’ every day and wants to keep serving as long as he is physically up to the task. After years of craving the speaker’s gavel, Hoyer no longer views the promotion to the top job as something necessary to complete a career that began 60 years ago as an intern. ‘If you told me I was going to be the number two leader in the House of Representatives for 20 years, I would have said, ‘I would have died and gone to heaven.’ I would have said, ‘Oh, I can’t believe that.’ This job that I have is a wonderful job,’ Hoyer said.”

-- THAT LAST PARAGRAPH -- that HOYER no longer views ascension to the speakership as “necessary,” is super interesting. For many years, the opposite was assumed -- perhaps incorrectly.

WHITMER UNDER PRESSURE … AP/LANSING: “Group tops 400K signatures to repeal Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's virus powers,” by David Eggert: “Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, faced with lawsuits challenging her use of emergency powers to fight the coronavirus, could continue to prevail in court.

“But she may be unable to stop a Republican maneuver that would rescind a 75-year-old law that has enabled her to issue and lift COVID-19 restrictions unilaterally. A ballot drive said Friday it was in the "home stretch" after collecting more than 400,000 signatures in just two months. Its goal is 500,000.

“If at least 340,000 signatures are deemed valid by the state elections board, the GOP-controlled Legislature would likely repeal the 1945 law rather than let it go to a 2022 public vote. The Democratic governor could not veto the initiated bill. A 1976 law, which requires legislative approval to extend a state of emergency, would remain intact.”

MUST READ … DARIUS TAHIR and RACHEL ROUBEIN: “Trump officials race against time to build massive new vaccine tracking system”: “The Trump administration is betting it can get millions of coronavirus shots to the Americans who need them most using a new, unproven data system that threatens to bypass state trackers that have long been mainstays in public immunization programs.”


THE DAILY BEAST: “Sen. David Perdue Says His Perfectly Timed Stock Trades Are Completely Innocent,” by Sam Brodey: “Two weeks after Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) helped to dilute a rule that governed the prepaid debit card industry, he reported acquiring stock in a company that stood to benefit from the rollback of those regulations.

“In early 2017, Perdue was pushing to overturn a recent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau measure that, among other things, imposed new regulations on the growing prepaid debit card industry—including requirements that they be more transparent about fees and penalties, and extend the fraud and theft protections enjoyed by normal account holders to those with prepaid cards. The rule was not completely overturned, as Perdue wished, but it was rolled back. …

“Perdue’s office told The Daily Beast that all of those transactions—involving First Data and every other company -- are handled by a third-party investment adviser, and that the senator has no role in buying or selling the securities in his portfolio.

“‘As we have told numerous publications in response to repeated false accusations, Senator Perdue and Mrs. Perdue have outside, independent advisers who made these specific trades,’ said a Senate spokeswoman for Perdue. ‘The Perdues cannot direct or influence these independent fund managers. These outrageous attacks are based on information that has been publicly available for years. Any accusation of improper conduct is categorically false and nothing more than lies by liberal groups hoping to win an election.’”

AJC: “Man warned for wearing MAGA hat when voting in Georgia,” by Mark Niesse: “The board voted 3-1 on Thursday to send Roswell resident Lee Holsworth a letter of instruction. He doesn’t face any other fines or penalties for wearing the hat at the Johns Creek Environmental Campus early voting location on Oct. 29, 2016.

“Red ‘Make America Great Again’ hats are an expression of support for Republican President Donald Trump, but Holsworth said his hat didn’t mention Trump by name.

“Holsworth told the board he always wears a hat because he has skin cancer, and he removed it when asked by a poll worker. ‘I didn’t feel like I was electioneering or anything like that. I was just coming in to vote. I don’t even know if there were any other voters there,’ Holsworth said during the State Election Board meeting. ‘When asked to take it off, I was so surprised, but I did it.’”

LUNCH WITH THE FT … KIM DARROCH: “‘I thought it would be trial by tweet’”: “As our blueberry tarts arrive, he discloses that someone in the Trump administration called to say sorry for what happened. Who? ‘Ha, ha, ha. I can’t tell you who, I’m afraid. It would be too risky for them. Honestly it would put their position at risk.’ He also received a five-minute phone call from Johnson on the day he quit, although the prospective prime minister did not exactly apologise.

“Darroch believes that Trump can win this year’s US election. ‘If you gave me £100 and held a gun to my head, I’d put it on Biden,’ he says over coffee. ‘But I would never spend my own money on that bet. I think it will get nasty on the streets whichever way it goes.’

“Whoever wins, he expects Johnson to quickly try to do a trade deal with the US as a big post-Brexit statement. The former ambassador is sceptical such a deal will be possible without ‘a substantial concession on agriculture’ from the Brits — something that may prove hard to deliver. He is not sure that Joe Biden would be looking to do a quick trade deal with Britain either, adding: ‘Biden is not a fan of Brexit.’”

BOOK CLUB -- CNN’S @abbydphillip: “Some personal news: I'm writing a book! Very excited to work on this political history of Rev. Jesse Jackson's presidential runs and the impact they had on the Democratic Party and on black political power.”


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].

BIRTHWEEK (was Friday): Bryan Coxwell (h/t Natasha Bertrand) ... (was Saturday): former Rep. Ben Chandler (D-Ky.) (h/t John Barrow)

BIRTHDAYS: Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) is 47 … Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.) is 58 … Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) is 44 … Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas) is 71 … Katie Connolly, SVP at Benenson Strategy Group … Todd Thurman … Danielle Burr, senior director and head of federal affairs at Uber … Henry “C.J.” Jackson … former Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) is 59… NBC’s Ginger Gibson … Blue Origin’s Tina Pelkey … Madi Butler is 36 … North Carolina A.G. Josh Stein is 54 … Mark Mellman (h/t Teresa Vilmain) … Denise Matyka … José Morales, deputy director of voter protection at Fair Fight Action … Matt Mackowiak, founder and president of Potomac Strategy Group and host of the “Mack on Politics” podcast, is 41 … Robin Meszoly … Vivian Schiller, executive director of Aspen Digital … Gary Ritterstein … Ryan Hambleton … Walter Suskind … OAN’s Richard Pollock …

… Suzanne Beall, VP of government relations and public policy and counsel at the International Franchise Association … POLITICO’s Lindsay Knight and Robyn Brigham … Bloomberg’s Laura Davison (h/t Katy Summerlin) … Donald Garrett … Kelsey Smith, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s director of scheduling/advance (h/t Shana Mansbach) … Casey Dolan, executive producer of “MSNBC Live with Hallie Jackson” … Sanette Tanaka Sloan … Jerry Johnson of Brodeur Partners (h/t Jon Haber) … NBC News PR’s Emma Martin … former Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-Tenn.) is 77 … Jennifer Pflieger … Colorado state Rep. Jonathan Singer is 41 … Wisconsin state Rep. Greta Neubauer … Ashley Calame of Squarespace comms … Edelman’s Thomas Dudley … Alexandra Varipapa

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September 13, 2020 at 09:58PM

POLITICO Playbook: Trump on alleged police shooters: 'Animals that must be hit hard!' - Politico

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