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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mental Health America and the Faas Foundation Reveals Hard New Data on the Mental Health Crisis in the Workplace - PRNewswire

TORONTO, March 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - The 2021 Mind the Workplace report from Mental Health America (MHA) puts hard numbers to the alarming mental health crisis happening in workplaces across the country during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"What we know is the pandemic has uprooted the daily routines and responsibilities of so many employees in our country and it's causing anxiety and depression," said Paul Gionfriddo, president and CEO of Mental Health America. "The American workplace was unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect it would have on workers. That is a key take-home point from this year's Mind the Workplace report."  Andrew Faas, Founder of the Faas Foundation added, "The 2021 report is a very disturbing condemnation of how organizations have responded to COVID-19.  The report highlights how much the stress could have be reduced by a better employer / employee relationship."

The impact can be felt across different industries and company sizes, for both remote and in-person workers. While the survey's findings are disconcerting, they also provide an opportunity for employers to better know the mental health challenges that their workforce faces. Once employers understand the issues and impacts, they can take steps to address them with the most helpful resources and supports.

The data—in this third annual workplace health report—surveyed 5,000 workers across 17 industries. The report was created in partnership with the Faas Foundation and illuminates what we've suspected anecdotally: that workers are feeling incredible stress, burnout, financial insecurity, increased mental health issues, and a lack of supervisor support during the pandemic. Some of the starkest findings from respondents include:

Employee Stress and Burnout

  • 83 percent felt emotionally drained from their work
  • 59 percent said that their supervisor does not provide enough support to help them manage their stress
  • Less than 5 percent strongly agreed that their employer provides a safe environment for employees who live with mental illness

Employee Financial Insecurity

  • 58 percent said they worry about not having enough money to pay for their living expenses and can't afford to save for an emergency
  • Nearly 34 percent reported they were unable to afford their health care costs
  • 56 percent spend time looking for a new job, compared to 40 percent of employees in 2018

You can read the full Mind the Workplace report here.

Mental Health America President and CEO Paul Gionfriddo is available to discuss the survey's findings, as well as concrete steps employers can take to better support their employees' mental health during the pandemic and beyond.

SOURCE The Faas Foundation

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March 30, 2021 at 07:00PM

Mental Health America and the Faas Foundation Reveals Hard New Data on the Mental Health Crisis in the Workplace - PRNewswire

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