Although Die Hard takes place on Christmas, Americans love to argue about whether the action film is a holiday movie or not. The Onion asked fans whether they thought the 1988 cult classic is a Christmas move or not, and this is what they said.

“Debating this is my only personality trait, so I hope it’s never resolved.”

“It is because my stoned older brother told me it was when I was 8.”

“Falling off Nakatomi Plaza is exactly how the real Santa died.”

“No: Die Hard does not have a sufficient amount of Tim Allen to qualify as a Christmas movie.”

“Please stop procrastinating and let me tell you your test results.”

“Some of my fondest holiday memories involve crawling through a vent to hide from Alan Rickman.”

“Any movie without Jewish characters is a Christmas movie in my book.”

“John McClane was actually written as a devout Muslim, but all the scenes showing him taking a break from saving the hostages to complete his daily prayers were cut from the final edit. Technically it’s more of an Eid al-Fitr movie.”

“Every movie is a Christmas movie because beautiful stories told on a giant screen are gifts we give ourselves.”

“Beats me, I’m still undecided on Elf.”

“Die Hard is a Christmas movie. This is for three big reasons. The first reason is because there is Santa in it. Santa is the president of Christmas, and he is very important. The second reason is because it happens on Christmas. This is one of the most important reasons why it is a Christmas movie. Lastly, there are Santa hats, which are hats you wear to pretend to be the president of Christmas named Santa. These are the reasons Die Hard is a Christmas movie.”

“Die Hard was originally a pagan movie known as Towering Inferno, but early Christian theatergoers adopted it as their own.”

“I’d consider it more of a Hanukkah movie because of a menorah visible in the background at the 01:12:17 mark.”

“The only authentic Christmas movie is Deck The Halls with Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick.”

“What is the holiday season without Alan Rickman being up to no good?”

“A lot of people don’t know this, but the plot of Die Hard is based on the Bible.”

“Whatever answer will make people think I’m a provocateur.”
December 15, 2023 at 06:45PM
Americans Answer Whether 'Die Hard' Is A Christmas Movie - The Onion
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